THICCUMS Minting Details
There are a total of 1,000 NFTS that will be minted on 4/20/2024. Exactly 420 out of the 1,420 total supply of NFTS are being held to swap into the $THICC token in order to create essential liquidity pairs with the THICC token, as well as a small portion being held for marketing purposes. The cost to mint a THICCUMS NFT is .02420 ETH each. The max mintable per wallet is 3 NFTs.
Whitelist and Minting Rounds Details
THICCUMS NFTS will be available for minting via our website on 4/20/2024. The minting will take place in 3 rounds and the requirements for each round are detailed below.
OG $CHONK token and CHONK NFT holders with more than .05% of the supply are whitelisted for Round 1.
The snapshot for this round was taken at:
Block Height: 13114330
Timestamp: Apr-13-2024 02:20:07 PM +UTC
If you held $CHONK at this snapshot date you will be whitelisted for the NFT mint. There will be a second snapshot taken before the mint to disqualify any wallets who have sold after this snapshot date.
OG $CHONK token and CHONK NFT holders with more than .05% of the supply are whitelisted for Round 2. There will also be approximately 100 whitelist spots given away as well to the public who will need to fill out a form in order to qualify.
The third round is up for the public to mint where anyone can participate.
As mentioned above, there are 3 max mintable NFTs per wallet in all 3 rounds.
Last updated